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Soft Skills

Top 10 soft skills

Clear Communication

You need to know what the customer wants and be able to articulate clearly what you can do for the customer.

Listening skills

Listen carefully to customers to know exactly what they need and how you can help them.

Demonstrate that you are actively listening through body language and responses.


Problem sensitivity. Bearing. Patience. Stress. Tolerance. Focus.

Positive attitude

Bearing. Emotional intelligence. Vocal tone. Encouragement. Adaptability. Proactiveness.


Confidence. Bearing. Versatility. Quick thinking. Articulation.

Conflict resolution

Mediation. Facilitation. Accountability. Negotiation. Diplomacy. Emotional intelligence.


Emotional intelligence. Compassion. Active listening. Life skills. Open-mindedness. Encouragement.


Stress tolerance. Bearing. Leadership. Identity. Emotional stability.

Taking responsibility

Approachability. Humility. Active listening. Repeating the customer’s words back to them. Empathy. Integrity.

A sense of humor

Problem sensitivity. Social skills. Imagination. Stress Tolerance.

Time management skills

6 ways to improve your time management skills in driving

Way 1

Avoid Traffic

Using GPS apps, you can plan your route accordingly.

Way 2

Have Good Geographical Knowledge

Having a good geographical knowledge of the town/city you are operating in will always be practical.

Way 3

Use Defensive Driving Techniques

Knowing how to handle different types of weather and road conditions, being aware of other drivers around you, and knowing how to avoid accidents.

Way 4

Make Quick Decisions

You need to be able to adjust your route based on traffic conditions, road closures, and other unexpected events.

Way 5

Service and Maintain Your Car

Keeping your car serviced and maintained can mean the difference between having breakdowns and avoiding them.

Way 6

Have Good Technical Knowledge of Your Car

You do not need to be a professional mechanic but knowing your way around your taxi can save you a lot of time and money.

Conflict resolution skills

How to recognize conflict


About a certain question or matter.


About the problem or the action you need to take. Learn to listen to your feelings when you are worried.


Of a decision or action to be taken. It is important to address how you are feeling in order to resolve the conflict.

Needs are threatened

When someone feels that they have to give up something that is valuable to them, conflict occurs.

Confusion arises

When there is confusion, it just means that more dialogue is needed so that everyone understands what the situation is.

Physical symptoms

Sometimes headaches, neck or back pain, sweating, twitching, or other symptoms when thinking about a situation or contacting a person with whom you might be in conflict can indicate stress and the need to resolve that conflict.

How to effectively resolve a conflict

THREE Rs - Recognize, React, Resolve


Learn to recognize conflict and quickly decide whether it is potentially productive or counterproductive.


How you react to conflict is very important. Always try to:

  • listen actively
  • ask reasonable and appropriate questions
  • show empathy


Finding a solution to the conflict is usually the most difficult aspect of the endeavor, but it is also the most important one. Be patient and allow enough time to find the answer.

A simple model for resolving a misunderstanding between two people can have the following steps. You should adapt each one to yourself and to the specific situation in which you will find yourself:

  1. Stay calm.
  2. Allow the other person to explain the situation.
  3. Find the right answer by asking questions.
  4. Do not attack or accuse.
  5. Find something you can both agree on.

How to deal with difficult clients

1. Remain calm and professional

It is important to remain calm and professional, even if the client is angry or upset. Take a deep breath and speak in a calm tone of voice.

2. Actively listen

Listen carefully to the client's concerns and try to understand their perspective. This can help you identify the underlying issues and find a solution that works for both parties.

3. Set boundaries

It is important to set boundaries and communicate them clearly to the client. Let them know what behavior is and isn't acceptable and be firm but polite in enforcing these boundaries.

4. Remain respectful

Even if the client is rude or disrespectful, it is important to maintain respect and a professional demeanor. Avoid arguments or escalating the situation.

5. Offer solutions

Try to offer solutions, such as finding an alternate route or adjusting the temperature in the car. Be creative and flexible in finding solutions that suit both parties.

6. Seek help if needed

If the situation becomes too difficult to handle, it is okay to seek help from other professionals, such as the police.

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